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Posted by Zareth, May 19, 2008 at 8:48 pm
iirc, decos will only work from 15 cha onwards. Still, need to get 15 (I think it's 15, anyways) to start with him. Good to figure out what to do to get up to 15.

Thing about decos is you can't talk to him by just holding down chat. (I'm horribly lazy.) I'll get a wiz file at 15 and compare a few tomorrow. Decos will happen over the long period of a day cause..

That stuff is boring, really. Chat > up or down key just only lasts so long.
Posted by Zareth, May 19, 2008 at 3:11 pm
CHA isn't something much brought up here, so I thought i'd talk about it some. First of all, we know about science talking.

The first bit is on zolku (shopkeep)

I believe there's actually charisma talking, up to a point. I made a file for the sole purpose of, and at about turn 530 (note: I spent around 30 moving, so it took around 500 talks) I got a "You feel very confident in your social skills" and received a +1 to my charisma. The second charisma came at about turn 1200. 3rd at late 1800's. 4th at early 2800's. 5th at about 4000th turn. I got a 6th around my 6000th turn.

I replicated similar (though slightly later) results with the priestess of silva. I then moved back to zolku, and talked to him. I got the 3rd around 2300.

Edit note: This change of 2300 turns on Zolku reflects the original check, being of a -1000- turn difference from CHR 13 > 14.

It's possible that it's caused by switching targets, or it could be due to the fact that I started this file with 11 CHR base, instead of 10, though it seemed not to affect the priestess.

I'll be dicking around some more in new attnam to look at it. I'll likely use wizard mode at some point, and a belt of levitation to test it in Attnam also. It's be good to see if we can assemble something like a "Charisma Talking" chart, in order to benefit charisma.

It's a pretty negligable bonus, but it's all about the journey, right?

Edit 2: I re-talked to the priestess with a base of 9. Got +1 at the 250ish mark. I repeated this on the same file (using wiz mode to drop my CHR by 1 everytime it went up) and the bonus consistently landed around 250-300 turns. Zolku took consistently longer, around 350-450. This seems to indeed suggest that certain character are much more beneficial for "Charisma talking" than others.
Posted by Zareth, May 14, 2008 at 2:28 pm
Loricatus is actually a fun god to get -angry- at you, of all things. If you make him mad, he can, to my knowledge, only do two things to you:

Summon his angels/archangels (only if you make him -really- mad at you)

Or, much more likely, turn your weapon into banana flesh. Which you can then eat.

He'll only turn one thing at a time though, and I think right hand is the priority. Still a funny way to pick up some extra food, though. I tend to pray to loricatus 2-3 times in a row whenever I do; the first time for a positive effect (+1 weapon, repair, limb restoration, etc.) then the rest I equip a single high weight junk item and get him to make it food.
Posted by Zareth, May 13, 2008 at 4:06 pm
I have, found, a new most horrible death.

UT1, basic, unleveled stats, barely any decent armor.

A kobold with -vermis- pops up. I lasted 3 stabs >_>

Edit: It happened again.
Posted by Zareth, May 7, 2008 at 4:07 pm
That's what I usually do, but I tend to miss when I throw things, a -lot-. Of course by the time I run into eyes I usually have at least one high damage, decent accuracy weapon that I have a little skill in, so I turn, equip it and smack em. I find if I smack-turn-smack-turn, they never put me to sleep. It takes a little longer than normally whacking the crap out of things, but I don't think they attack normally?

Edit: I never lock them in rooms etc., since floating eye flesh is at least good temp ESP.
Posted by Zareth, May 6, 2008 at 2:22 pm
Floating eyes... constantly zapping me unconcious sucks. I always end up having to turn around, put on a high damage weapon, and hope when I turn around to smack em they die instantly >_>;

Hedgehogs never kill me. Not sure why that is. Zombie once nutshotted me though.

Mushrooms also suck, but that's mostly because I always eat them and get long, long dizzy status. I'm compelled to
Posted by Zareth, Apr 28, 2008 at 3:05 pm
Lot of things other than polymorph also do that... Named weapons and I believe certain amulet/armor pieces (the upper ones, dragon hide, AoLS) can alter the scales upwards dramatically as well. I always notice a significant change in the monsters upon finding an AoLS, though they don't seem to get much stronger <_<;
Posted by Zareth, Apr 27, 2008 at 1:33 pm
Managed to get permanent (or at least pretty long lasting) polymorphitis going without polycontrol... Ran into the lowest carnivorous plant, and of all things get turned into a human flesh golem. 0 endurance, 6 hp. Instantly pegged me in the head, making it fly off >_>;

Edit: had an AoLS on at the time too... anything with a neck and I woulda revived
Posted by Zareth, Apr 26, 2008 at 11:22 pm
Now, maybe i'm just not a very good IVAN player (in fact, I'm probably not.), but I always have so many damn issues with food. Next to getting killed by a ravenous hoard of plants on UT4, i'm pretty sure my most re-occuring death has been starving on the way to the town after. I always actually do pretty good if I can get to GC.

Any reccomendations for dealing with my apparent food shortage? I use Silva in emergencies, and hold onto canned goods. Anything else~?